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Basque News

Euskal Kazeta

Basque News

Euskal Kazeta

Basque News

Euskal Kazeta

About Us

About Us

Euskal Kazeta is the premier website for news about the Basque community in the United States. 

The website is operated by the Euskal Kazeta Foundation. The foundation is now a California nonprofit public benefit corporation and is awaiting final approval from the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) public charity.

The mission of the Euskal Kazeta Foundation is to help preserve the Basque culture by promoting social engagement and public education relating to Basque culture. Through our website, we share online resources at no cost to the general public. These resources include news articles, videos, photos and other information about Basque people, current events and cultural and historical topics, with emphasis on the Basque American community. With these goals in mind, our website and social media often include posts and listings of Basque events, organizations, restaurants, festivals, etc. at no charge to the groups that sponsor the events. We focus on events that are open to the public.

We also plan to provide other important educational opportunities in the future for aspiring young journalists. Our goal is to employ, or welcome as volunteers, college students each year for intensive training that includes exposure to Basque history, language, and culture, as well as the opportunity to research, write, and publish related content while being mentored by veteran journalists, authors and academics.

The Euskal Kazeta website was launched in June 2009 and soon gained national recognition. Our news site was quickly named one of the nation’s promising new niche news sites by the Reynolds Journalism Institute at the University of Missouri.

Euskal Kazeta was the idea of Nancy Zubiri, author of “Travel Guide to Basque America” and “Jaialdi: A Celebration of Basque Culture.” The website was created by Zubiri; journalist Robert Lopez; and artist, webmaster and video producer Pierre Igoa. Zubiri and Igoa are Basque-Americans who grew up with Basque traditions.

We also report on topics relating to Basques and the culture in other parts of the world, but our specialty is covering Basque American events, issues and personalities in the U.S. The Basques are an ethnic group characterized by the Basque language, a common culture and shared genetic ancestry to the ancient Vascones and Aquitanians. They originate from the region of northwestern Spain and southwestern France, but have migrated to many parts of the world, including the western United States.

The Euskal Kazeta Foundation’s IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 33-1452961.

Staff and contributors

We are interested in contributions from the community. If you are interested in contributing an article or other item, please e-mail us at

How to contact us

You can follow our updates on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram. To receive our newsletter, please go to the subscription box located on this page.

To contact us, send e-mails to:

By mail:
P.O. Box 683
Venice, CA 90294

By Phone:
Mon – Fri 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time at (310) 821-6579