Human chain in Basque Country attracts international press
Gari Garaialde / Bostok Photo Ag
Protestors form a human chain in the Basque Country. (Gari Garaialde / Bostok Photo)
June 9, 2014
Yesterday, June 8, an estimated 150,000 people held hands in a line that stretched approximately 76 miles from Durango to Iruñea-Pamplona in Hegoalde (the Spanish Basque Country). It was organized by the organization “It’s in our hands,” (Gure Esku Dago) which has been working to promote the right to vote on independence for the Basque Country.
One Basque journalist’s personal view of the movement for peace
A group of Basques in New York also organized their own chain Sunday morning in Brooklyn, in solidarity with the Basque Country. Many newspapers and websites reported the event, while dozens of participants’ Facebook and Twitter accounts reflected photos of the chain.
Reuters’ report on the demonstration
New York Times video report on the chain