Basque Singer Mikel Urdangarin Sings for Basque-American Audience

Basque singer Mikel Urdangarin

Basque singer Mikel Urdangarin performed concerts in San Francisco and Bakersfield, California in May 2022. His visit to California was part of Mikel Urdangarin’s 25 Tour – 25 years of music. Urdangarin and his band came to the U.S. because of an award he was granted by the provincial government of Bizkaia. Lorena Bilbao, regional minister for Basque language, culture and sports, accompanied the group. She told the Bakersfield audience that the Bizkaian government hopes to continue cultural interchanges in the future with the Basque-American communities.

During a concert at the Dore Theatre at Cal State Bakersfield, he was interviewed in English by Euskal Kazeta. He talks about the power of music, singing in the Basque language, and visiting the Basques of the United States. He learned English when he went to Scotland for a stint as a young man.

The video from the Cal State Bakersfield concert includes the songs “Herri Zaharra” (Old Country), “Hauskor” (Fragile), and “Badira Hiru Aste” (Three Weeks). The second video, from Urdangarin’s concert at the Kern County Basque Club, includes the songs Lau Koplatxo (Four Couplets), Enaz Beldur (I’m Not Afraid), Herri Zaharra (Old Country), and Izurdeen Lekua (Dolphins’ Lekua).

His band members are Rafa Rueda (guitar), Jon Cañaveras (bass) and Ander Hurtado de Saratxo (percussion).

Institute of Basque Studies Inaugurated at Cal State Bakersfield

Mikel Urdangarin to Perform in California

Badira Hiru Aste
Songwriter: Mikel Urdangarin Abasolo

I am writing to you from this corner
Iskin hontatik idazten dizut

Like last time
Azken aldian bezala

It is true both at this time
Egia da bai sasoi honetan

That makes it cold
Hotza egiten duela

I met a young girl
Neska gazte bat ezagutu dut

That there are three weeks
Hiru aste badirela

I would tell his eyes
Esango nuke bere begiek

They easily enchanted me
Erraz sorgindu nautela

I met a young girl
Neska gazte bat ezagutu dut

That there are three weeks
Hiru aste badirela

I would tell his eyes
Esango nuke bere begiek

They easily enchanted me
Erraz sorgindu nautela
You haven’t had this last trip
Azken bidai hau ez duzu izan

Escape from the house
Etxe ondotik ihesa

Although found far from me
Nigandik hurrun aurkitu arren
The dream of returning there
Hara itzultzeko ametsa

If I always remember you
Zuekin beti oroitzen banaiz

Don’t think I forgot
Ahaztu naizenik ez pentsa

Saying feelings though
Sentimenduak esaten baina

It’s not that easy
Ez da hain gauza erreza

If I always remember you
Zuekin beti oroitzen banaiz

Don’t think I forgot
Ahaztu naizenik ez pentsa

Saying feelings though
Sentimenduak esaten baina
It’s not that easy
Ez da hain gauza erreza

Now I take it early in the morning
Orain goizean goizik hartzen dut

Train to the west
Mendebalderako trena

On forgotten stone floors
Harrizko zoru ahaztuetan

The oldest way
Biderik eta zaharrena

Life often shows
Bizitzak sarri erakusten du

What is and what is not
Badena eta ez dena

Even if I was never taken aback
Inoiz latz hartu banindu ere

Which took me sweetly today
Gaur gozo hartu nauena

Life often shows
Bizitzak sarri erakusten du

What is and what is not
Badena eta ez dena

Even if I was never taken aback
Inoiz latz hartu banindu ere

Which took me sweetly today
Gaur gozo hartu nauena
But in practice, on long days
Lantzean baina, egun luzeetan

The heart is sad
Bihotza egoten da triste

That promised promise
Agindutako promesa hura

I can’t keep up
Ezin kunplidu nezake

Because I sing “Glories in the Summer”
“Loriak udan” kantatzen baitut

Never think about it
Inoiz gutxitan ez uste

I haven’t forgotten the lyrics yet
Letrak ez ditut oraindik ahaztu

I agree so much
Akordatzen naiz hainbeste

Because I sing “Glories in the Summer”
“Loriak udan” kantatzen baitut

Never think about it
Inoiz gutxitan ez uste

I haven’t forgotten the lyrics yet
Letrak ez ditut oraindik ahaztu

I agree so much
Akordatzen naiz hainbeste

Source: Musixmatch