Bakersfield Basque Accordion Festival 2014

Noka and Mikel Markez together on tour in the U.S.

The Kern County Basque Club hosted the Bakersfield Accordion Festival on May 23. Many local accordionists and singers, and also musicians from the Basque Country played at the evening event. The festival was organized by trumpeter and emcee Pierre Igoa.

NOKA trio on tour with Mikel Markez
2014 Kern County Basque Festival Slideshow

Buy the DVD of the 2014 Bakersfield festival previewed here
by Captured Moments

Musicians included the group Noka (Andrea Bidart, Cathy Petrissans, Begoña Echeverria) with Mikel Markez, Jeanette Arrayet and Marianne Laxague, Elizabeth Salla Shuck, Joseba Etxarri and Maite Maisterrena, Rafael Iriondo and Aintzane Uria, Francisco Santxotena and Jesus Goñi, Solange Igoa and Andrea Walker, Michelle Iturriria and Pierre Igoa, Tina Carson, Denise Duhart, Dennis Petrissans.