Not even Hurricane Irene could stop the the Rhode Island Basque Club from celebrating its summer picnic.

As the hurricane prepared to bear down on the East Coast, the club quickly decided to move the picnic from Sunday to Saturday.
As it turned out, it was great decision. By Sunday, the full force of Irene had hammered New England, causing widespread power outages and massive flooding.
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On Saturday, club members Fermin Elexpuru and Ismael Biurrun cooked paella for 70 people. Picnic-goers were also treated to a wood-chopping demonstration by aizkolari Juanmari Aramendi.

And the fun was just beginning.
Later that evening, Urko Menaia performed at Portsmouth Abbey School. The concert was filled with members and friends who sang along and enjoyed the renowned Basque folk singer from Donostia-San Sebastian as he performed a final concert of his U.S. tour.
For more information about the Rhode Island Basque Club, check out the club’s web site.