The popular Basque song “Andre Maddalen”

Ander and Imanol Zabaleta and Eneko Espino taught music at the 2009 Udaleku camp in Chino, Calif.

During Udaleku, Basque culture camp, in Chino, Calif. in 2009, these three musicians traveled to the U.S. to teach youth traditional Basque music. They recorded “Andre Maddalen,” a popular song, which is accompanied by the dance known as jota in Hegoalde or fandango in Iparralde.

The musicians are brothers Ander and Imanol Zabaleta and Eneko Espino. It has become Euskal Kazeta’s most popular video. Espino plays the txistu, Ander Xabaleta plays the trikitixa or button accordion, while his brother Imanol plays the pandareta.


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