“Xalbadorren Heriotzean” is a moving song dedicated to the famous bertsolari Xalbador after his death at the age of 56 in 1976. Bertsolaris are singers who make up verses on topics in the moment. Xalbador typically talked about topics such as life, family, farm life, nature and faith.
Written by a well-known Basque singer Xabier Lete, the song refers to Xalbador as a shepherd of Urepel (Urepeleko artzaina), his hometown in Baxe Nafarroa. Here it is sung by Erramun Martikorena, who is from the same region as Xalbador. This is perhaps Martikorena’s most popular song. This particular Youtube video is presented by Gabi de la Maza, whose Youtube channel presents many classic Basque songs superimposed with the lyrics.
Xalbador: Learn about the bertsolari who became legendary
Many Basques know the words to this song, and will typically break out singing whenever the song is played. Numerous versions of the song have been recorded by different artists.
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Xalbadorren Heriotzean
Adiskide bat bazen
Orotan bihozbera
Poesiaren hegoek
Sentimenduzko bertsoek
Antzaldatzen zutena
Plazetako kantari
Bakardadez josia
Hitzen lihoa iruten
Bere barnean irauten
Oinazez ikasia… ikasia
Non hago, zer larretan
Urepeleko artzaina
Mendi hegaletan gora
Oroitzapenen gerora
Ihesetan joan hintzana
Non hago, zer larretan
Urepeleko artzaina
Mendi hegaletan gora
Oroitzapenen gerora
Ihesetan joan hintzana
Hesia urraturik
Libratu huen kanta
Lotura guztietatik
Gorputzaren mugetatik
Aske sentitu nahirik
Azken hatsa huela
Bertsorik sakonena
Inoiz esan ezin diren
Estalitako hegien
Oihurik bortitzena… bortitzena
Non hago, zer larretan
Urepeleko artzaina
Mendi hegaletan gora
Oroitzapenen gerora
Ihesetan joan hintzana
Non hago, zer larretan
Urepeleko artzaina
Mendi hegaletan gora
Oroitzapenen gerora
Ihesetan joan hintzana
Non hago, zer larretan
Urepeleko artzaina
Mendi hegaletan…